Is International Merchant Account Helpful For Online Transactions?

 The international merchant account will be helpful for the merchant in many ways. First of all, the international market is wider in range and has a wide range of brands working in it. A couple of high-risk factors make the businessman a high-risk merchant. The reasons are chargeback, online fraud, low financial stability, and payment processing failure.

To reduce such cases merchants will need the support of an experienced one. One who can help him is a team of experts called PSP. PSP reads the circumstances of the business and provides the needed services to get over those issues.

Competition & lack of support

High-risk merchants have to face many issues, to get the support of the financial institution to run their business in a smooth way. But the risk factors that lie in the merchant’s business make the banks avoid cooperating with such businessmen. Online transaction is the best option in their own way. But some issues that come with it are just annoying.

Payment-related issues such as chargebacks, online frauds, and payment failures hinder growth. But don’t worry, we (WebPays) as a reliable PSP will help them out in every situation related to payment processing.

International Market & High-risk merchant’s requirements

The international market is a platform for those businesses that have the capability to survive in severe conditions. A high-risk merchant needs merchant services to have fair combat with such issues. Without the help of those services, the high-risk business won’t be able to survive for too long.

Low financial stability won’t let the business survive for a long time. That’s why the merchant needs a PSP to get important high-risk merchant services.

Online Payment Processing

For Online Payment Processing, the merchant needs to have the support of a reliable payment service provider. To know the reliability of a PSP, the merchant needs to check that if the services provided by the PSP are really beneficial for the merchant.

Supporting this point, the merchant should also consider one more thing. And that the PSP must be providing services to high-risk industries. Also, he needs to think about whether the PSP has the support of a reliable acquirer or not. The acquiring banks play an important role in the process of online payment processing.

Now let’s see what you need to know before signing a contract with a PSP.

What should a high-risk merchant find in a PSP for merchant services?

Merchant Assistance

The merchant should get full support from the WebPays and they should get the answer to any doubt. WebPays take the merchant’s needs into consideration and if he has a doubt about anything we’ll clear it. Timing is not an issue here, what matters is the merchant’s satisfaction.

24x7 tech-support

After getting the whole set-up ready of a merchant account for a merchant to run, he’ll also get 24x7 tech support. No matter what issue comes in he can definitely ask for help from our experts. We’ll provide him with the best & fastest way to resolve the issue. This way he won’t need to take stress over his shoulders.

Global Connectivity

The guidance of our experts can help the merchant find the best way to represent their products in the international market. The better you present your brand, the more chances you have of building a regular consumer base of your own. A regular consumer base will help you to understand what the current generation demand, and how to provide them the convenience they want.

Brand Recognition

This is an absolute truth that if you’re giving 100% you’ll get something in return, right? With our services, merchants can have better quality services to provide to their consumers. This way his brand will get recognition of its own, and by delivering quality services his brand will stand out more in the international market. It’s better for merchants' future and business growth.

Chargeback Protection

Most of the time the reason for chargeback no matter what it is gets verified & the merchant has to bear the loss. But not anymore. Each time someone claims a chargeback first we check whether the condition of the product is matching the policy T&C.

If the condition is the same as mentioned then the amount gets refunded in 2–3 business working days. And if not then the claimant will be offered the offer of replacement of the product.

Online Security

Online security is very important for one’s own safety. Everyone knows that an eCommerce website is connected to a wide area. This can create a situation of caution for merchants. The sensitive data of consumers is very valuable.

A bit of a mistake and the consumer’s private information can be put in danger. But with WebPays, merchants need not worry about their consumer’s data anymore. We have up to Level 1 certification of PCI DSS.

The reason behind getting this certification is that we provide top-notch security to our clients. All of our team members strictly abide by the rules & regulations of PCI DSS. We provide a safe environment for the merchant and the consumers online.

Now, what are the benefits of an International merchant account?

An international merchant account is the best deal for a high-risk merchant. Now it will be easy for the merchant to receive online transactions without any issues. The merchant will get many features to provide his consumers with the best-ever online shopping experience.


Multi-Currency Transactions

A high-risk merchant is dealing with a massive group of people (consumers). And dealing with those would be hassling if the merchant doesn’t have any solutions to go over with. With an international merchant account, the merchant can receive his payments in any currency of his choice.

It’s a lot better this way. Consumers from other countries would have the convenience to pay in their own currency too. It means now both the merchant and his consumers would be satisfied from both ends.

Alternative Payment Modes

Several countries have their own preferred payment methods as everyone else. So if one can provide his consumers the convenience to pay in their own preferred mode, then that would be great.

Herewith this merchant account they’ll get the best ever options they can choose. The crowd would get the options like — Direct debit, Digital wallets, American Express, and PayPal. So cooperative right? Yeah, we know that! Now, the consumer can experience a better online shopping experience, and a chance to pay for their favorite brand also.

Smart UI

With this feature, the merchant would easily get used to the features coming up with the merchant account. Now, the merchant would have an upper hand over his work. Not to mention, a great opportunity to develop skills, and raise his own productivity is waiting for him.

Powerful Dashboard

With the powerful dashboard of this merchant account, merchants can always stay connected to us. He can ask for his requirements anytime from us easily. Running the whole process of the transaction would be more convenient with the continuous support of a team of experts.

Bank Cascading

This is another special feature for the merchant. We know that due to non-cooperative behavior between banks, issue of payment failures occurs. But with WebPays, you only need to focus on your work not only other things.

We got the support of several acquiring banks, and with their cooperativeness, the issues such as — payment stop, stuck, and failure won’t happen. Even if one bank doesn’t give a positive response to the transaction, another one will do. So, here the transaction will be complete with no issues.

Real-Time Reporting

One of the major issues of loss in business is happening due to no alerts on small issues from the departments. But with this merchant account, you get the 24-hour live reporting system that sends alerts even for the smallest errors in the system. On top of that, the system also sends alerts for every transaction that happens on the merchant’s website. Wouldn’t that be great?

Fraud Prevention

There are so many online fraudsters active on the net nowadays. If any fraudulent payment gets on the radar of this merchant account, then it will run many processes to know the real identity of the payer. If the portrayer’s details don’t match then the payment will be immediately stopped. And if it matches then the transaction will get precede.

Credit Card Processing

The world knows that credit card payments are much more acceptable than any other payment method. This merchant account allows the merchant to receive online transactions with debit & credit cards too. With the help of a powerful payment processor, this merchant account will provide faster transaction speed. And it can provide many successful transaction rates.

Global Card Saving

This feature of the merchant account is best for online customers. Now they don’t have to fill in the details, again and again, every time they visit the website. This feature lets the consumers save their cards on the website and that’s it. Until they want to change the card, they won’t have to fill in the details again in the future. And this will give them a better online shopping experience.


Through tokenization, the security of data can increase. This feature can turn the more sensitive data into non-sensitive data. So the data-stealing would be impossible. We won’t let any threat fret the merchant. Our whole team is ready to protect the merchant’s site from online threats that can bring his online image down.

Faster Check-out

How would it be, if all the processes of the transaction can process on one page? This merchant account completes the transaction processes on one page. No unnecessary pages will pop up. This way the consumers won’t get annoyed and able to check out faster. Providing such convenience will let the consumer feel more connected straight to the merchant (owner of the business).

Instant Processing Approval

Many PSPs fail to deliver the best results due to the lack of cooperative and understanding partner acquirers. But we as a PSP have many connections so we can get the merchant with fast processing approval. We have a record of the most successful transaction rates. Apart from that, due to connection with reliable and understandable acquirers, we are able to provide the expected results in time.

Merchant businesses will have the experience of seamless & smooth transactions. Also, with our high-risk merchant services the level of a chargeback, online fraud, and payment failure will surely go down in the future. Have a try!


WebPays have years of experience handling the situation of high-risk industries. Many high-risk businesses have handled in the past such as — Forex, Casino, Gaming, and Adult. With our merchant services, the merchant will be able to carry out his transactions with more ease. To know about our other services merchants can visit our blog section.

Throughout these years, we have learned many tactics to tattle the riskier situations in payment processing. Compromising isn’t included with the quality of our services in our working style. If the merchant wants to have his own international merchant account, he can drop a mail & get an instant response from our side.

Sum it Up

So, we have talked about many things in this blog. Let’s revise what we got to know. First, we learned about how things work in an international market & how it affects the merchant’s business. After that, we got to know what a merchant should expect from a PSP. Next, we talked about the services merchants will get with an international merchant account.

After talking about all the things, the last thing a merchant should know is that WebPays is an experienced PSP. And throughout our whole careers, we have learned many things and lessons that we can share with those who need them.

High-risk merchants belonging to any high-risk industry can contact us by dropping a mail. We’ll make sure he’ll gets the best ever services that he deserves. No worries, when WebPays is here for them.


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